HEPA Filters Explained

A Simplistic Beginning to Know HEPA Filters

You might have heard the word HEPA many times while buying a certain product or in your friend’s discussion about water purifiers. The word is too heavy but it has a simple meaning. HEPA stands for high-efficiency Particulate Air which purifies the air and water by using filters.

As we all are aware of the pollution in the atmosphere which is increasing day by day, we need to buck up and think about living in a healthy atmosphere. We are suffering from lots of health issues like asthma, allergies and other diseases due to an increase in pollution in the atmosphere. Many people have already adopted water purifiers as well as vacuum cleaners with HEPA technology and they could find a difference in their lives.

First of all, people ignored fresh water, and now they have adopted purifiers. In the same way, people ignored fresh air but due to severe health issues, they have started using air purifiers. For both fresh air and fresh water, there is a need for HEPA filters which is available in almost every cleaner and purifier. Not stretching much, the main function of HEPA is to remove the minute dirt particles or microorganisms from the air and water.

Do you stay near a factory?

Tired of taking an asthma pump almost every day?

If yes, then it is high time to go for this latest HEPA technology.

In this write-up, our main focus would be explaining HEPA technology with the help of deep research done by our experts in the field. We assure you that you would get detailed information about HEPA for which you have landed on this page.

Your every question will have an answer so keep scrolling!

Origin of HEPA Filters

The HEPA standard and certification process wasn’t established before 1983, it came into expansion after World War II. These filters of fibre shape were first used in the Manhattan Project to catch the radioactive particles to create an atomic bomb.

After that, HEPA became the most used filter for industrial purposes. Slowly and gradually these HEPA filters came to our homes and offices in order to make life possible with fresh water and air.

Functions of HEPA Purifier

There is one basic filter that does the work of a strainer. It has holes that can capture huge particles like hairs, dirt, and dust. The basic filter only lacks behind when comes to grabbing tiny particles. As far as HEPA filters are concerned, it has been estimated to cover 99.97% of particles that are 0.3 microns.

Now you might ask why 0.3 microns?

It is because 0.3 microns is the standard that determines the tiniest particles or microorganisms which cannot be seen with the naked eye. There are no filters in the market that can trap 0.3 microns which are also called MPPS by the scientist. After much research in terms of purification, HEPA was introduced which has outstanding features to detect as well as kill the bacteria and hazardous tiny particles.

The outer layer of this purifier is used when to stop the huge particles to spread. The inner layer grows into a folded material with the fibre mat finish. The layer not only works as a strainer, but it is even be used to trap the particles by using different techniques. The heavy particles directly get stuck to the fibreglass. Small particles have a collision with the fiberglass and they get destroyed then and there.

Where HEPA is Used?

Many people don’t know this fact that HEPA technology is also used in many modern air purifiers.


To make the water clean and healthy by restoring the particles which are necessary to consume for a healthy life. It is also used in vacuum cleaners which are either bagged or bagless models. HEPA vacuums encompass special filters which restrict the dirt on the internal side and thus give pure air in the atmosphere. HEPA is also used for outside purposes like construction sites, commercial businesses, malls, and many hotels. It is vital to use HEPA filters for your home, and also buy it from an authentic seller. Some owners also claimed that HEPA filters are able to remove their pet hairs, preventing the health of small kids at home.

If you are living in an area where there is constant air pollution, by using the HEPA filters at home you are reducing the chance of getting affected by harmful pollution. HEPA filters are also used in cleaning the car, as there are small corners in the car which do not get properly cleaned so by using HEPA filters vacuum cleaners in the car, you are removing most of the tiny particles.

Things to Consider while Buying Purifiers with HEPA Filters

Remember that there are numerous companies that sell crap in the name of HEPA, so always choose authentic sources online or offline to buy this filter.HEPA filters are not only costly, but they also need replacement from time to time. You need to replace the HEPA filter every 24 months to make your purifier give the best results when comes to refinement.

Always do research on the internet or read reviews about different products before you buy any of the HEPA products. Consider the price, size, shape, guarantee, warranty, and replacement of any HEPA filters.

The Final Cut

There is great competition in the market. So many companies will sell you a completely different product for less or the same price so be aware of such frauds. You will also get confused by the variety of features in the purifier such as carbon filter, HEPA, Ionizing and UV technology. Do not get confused and simply choose filters that are really useful to you and your family.

If you want to stay healthy, choose the HEPA product which is not giving you financial burden and provides quality air and water. You can also do some research or ask the experts…like you are doing it right now!

We hope we have provided adequate information about HEPA filters in simple language. It is now your turn to put your knowledge into practice and buy HEPA product which is affordable and of high quality.

Thomas Bull
Author: Thomas Bull

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